The Path of Yoga


Author: Osho

Publisher: Diamond books

ISBN: 9789352612055

Pages: 256 paperback


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Yoga is now an integral part of our health-conscious cultural landscape, practiced by millions for health and fitness reasons. While Yoga is seen and practiced mostly as a body exercise program, the interest in the philosophical and spiritual dimension of Yoga is growing.

This book introduces us to Patanjali, the founder of ancient Yoga in India. It takes us step by step into a deeper understanding of the essence and origins of Yoga. Osho introduces and unlocks Patanjali’s ancient sutras, revealing how contemporary this ancient message truly is. It quickly becomes clear that we are just on the cusp of a gaining a much deeper understanding of Yoga and its place in our evolving world. Surprisingly, the mind even more than the body is the focus of Patanjali’s teaching. He says: “Yoga is the cessation of mind.”

“This is the definition of Yoga, the best definition. Yoga has been defined in many ways; there are many definitions. some say Yoga is the meeting of the mindwith the divine; hence it is called Yoga- Yoga means meeting, joining together, some say that Yoga means dropping the ego, ego is the barrier: the moment you drop the ego you are joined to the divine. You were already joined; it only appeared that you were not joined because of ego. There are many definitions, but patanjali’s is the most scientific. He says: Yoga is the cessation of the mind.

What is mind? What is the mind doing there? what is it? ordinarily, we think that mind is something substantial there, inside the head. Patanjali doesn’t agree, and no one who has ever known the inside of the mind will agree. Modern science also doesn’t agree. Mind is just function, just an activity.”

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