Won’t You Join The Dance?


Author: Osho

Publisher: Full Circle

ISBN: 8176210374

Pages: 292 Paperback


Categories: ,


That’s what I teach: trust yourself, trust your intelligence, trust your own heart, its feelings – – – and even if sometimes it looks crazy to follow those feelings, go with them. It is better to be crazy according to your own heart than to be sane according to others. That sanity is worthless. It will never bring you any joy, it will never bring you any benediction. All benedictions are for those who resolve to be themselves.

As an actor and as a person, I am always seeking inspiration from the great minds of our time. I came across the teaching of Osho some ten years ago while travelling in India. Immediately I recognized Him to be a world teacher. His incredible taped discourse lectures and books have inspired me (and millions of others) on the path of self-evolution. His words and work live within me to this very day. – JAMES COBURN

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