Why You Are Being Educated?


Author: J. Krishnamurti

Publisher: Krishnamurti Foundation India

ISBN: 9788187326397

Pages: 105 Paperback


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Consists of six talks that Krishnamurti gave at Indian Universities and the Indian Institute of Technology between the years 1969 and 1984.

Krishnamurti’s chief concern here is to awaken students to the fact that the pursuit of knowledge does not liberate man from his fundamental ignorance of himself. While knowledge is indispensable, it also creates the illusion that we have the intelligence to meet the challenges of life, and this makes us neglect the vast and subtle fields of the human psyche. Krishnamurti’s radical departure from mainstream educational thinking comes through clearly in these talks, which therefore have a significance not just for the youth but also for the parents, teachers and all those interested in the deeper issues of human existence.


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