The Rebel: The Very Salt of The Earth


Author: Osho

Publisher: Full Circle

ISBN: 9788176211598

Pages: Paperback

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The very salt of the earth
“Just a few rebellious enlightened people around the world… and all the thrones of power will start shaking.”
“MY REBEL, MY new man, is Zobra the Buddha.
“Mankind has lived believing either in the reality of the soul and the illusoriness of matter, or in the reality of matter and the illusoriness of the soul. You can divide the humanity of the past into the spiritualists and the materialists.
“But nobody has bothered to look at the reality of man. He is both together. He is neither just spirituality – he is not just consciousness – nor is he just matter.”
This book contains some of the most brilliant, insightful and stunning excerpts on rebellion drawn from the complete book ‘The Rebel’, by OSHO.

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Weight 0.325 kg


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