The Ending of Time: Where philosophy and physics meet


Author: J. Krishnamurti

Publisher: Krishnamurti Foundation India

ISBN: 9788187326168

Pages: 486 Paperback



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“Has humanity has taken a wrong turn which has brought about endless division, conflict, and destruction?” This is one of the fundamental question posed in this series of dialogues between J. Krishnamurti and Dr. David Bohm- men from the vastly different background of philosophy and physics. They debate profound existential questions such as insight, illusion, death, transcendence, self-realization, the temporal, and the spiritual. Though man can change radically, they say, transformation requires going from one’s narrow and particular interest towards the general, and ultimately moving deeper into that purity of compassion, love, and even emptiness. This revised and enlarged edition includes a new introduction and a previously published conversation, “The future of humanity”.


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