The Brihat Samhita


Author: N.C Iyer

Publisher: Sri Satguru publications

ISBN: 8170300940

Pages: 464 paperback


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Brihat Samhita is an encyclopedia on Hindu Astrology. It covers wide range of subjects of human interest, He discusses with thoroughness and mastery-based on knowledge of action Sastras. Wherever he differs from ancient he gives reasons for it. Including astrology, planets, eclipses, marriage, conception sex of child, effect of birth-time, normal and abnormal births, fate of a new born, methods to determine span of life, grant of life years by various planets and result of their transit in various signs and houses, moon ps=osition and conjunctions with other planets in different signs, on the building of Temples and fixing of the Images in temple, on the features of women, on Sexual union, on omens connected with the house, omen through birds and beasts, on the spermatic medicines, on omens connected with animals, on Rohini Yoga, Svaati Yoga, on Asadhi Yoga, on Earthquakes, on meteors, on the rainbow, on the cloud castles, on dust stroms, on thunderbolts, on pimples, on house building, on durable cements, rainfall, clouds, architecture, growth of crops, on commodities and price of commodities, on injuries to Garments, manufacture of perfume, matrimony, domestic relations, gems and rituals. On Lunar Days, Division of the zodiac, worship of the stellar Diety, conclusion.

The book contains one hundred six chapters and is known as the major treatises on Hindu Predictive Astrology.


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Weight .500 kg


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