Swadhisthana Chakra


Author: Rishi Nityabodhananda

Publisher: Yoga publications trust

ISBN: 9789381620861

Pages: 96 paperback


The Source of the human personality is Swadhisthana chakra, the energy vortex at the level of coccyx. Swadhisthana chakra represents the realm of the unconscious that allows us to unravel the mystery of our inherent character and behavior, the desires and drives that are expressed through our actions. Swadhisthana is also the storehouse of samskaras, the mental impressions embedded within the subtle body. By awakening swadhisthana, we become aware of the unconscious aspects of ourselves, and we learn to accept our karmas and live through them while cultivating an unwavering connection with our divine origins.

In Swadhisthana Chakra, Rishi Nityabodhananda discusses the many facets of this chakra, including its  place in kundalini yoga, its influence on the personality, its symbology, and practice to awaken and transcend swadhisthana. Written in easy style full of wit and humor; the book draws from traditional and modern texts on yoga and tantra, and provides a foundational understanding of this essential energy center in the scheme of human life.

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Weight 0.200 kg


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