The first Progressive Yoga Vidya Training held at Ganga Dharshan Vishwa Yogapeeth, Munger, in October 2015 was a groundbreaking program, opening the door to the next level of yogic learning. Conducted by Swami Niranjananda Saraswati, it led the participants to understand how to move from perceiving yoga as a practice to experiencing yoga as a Sadhana and lifestyle. The emphasis was on connecting with, imbibing, and expressing the Vidya of yoga, the essence of the knowledge of yoga, whether in an asana, a meditation practice, or in one’s interaction with the world.
This book presents the classes and Satsangs given during the training, through which Swamiji explained the principles of yoga and delineated the path for the future. The wisdom contained here will help serious and committed yoga aspirants to connect with the classical yoga tradition. It will also allow them to assess where they are in their yogic journey and inspire them to become part of the next chapter of yoga that is being written.
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