Path of Fire and Light: Advanced practices of Yoga (Vol. 1 of 2)


Author: Swami Rama

Publisher: Himalayan Institute Press

ISBN: 9780893890971

Pages: 155 Paperback


Most people begin their practice of yoga with asana. But as practice progresses, many become curious about the inner dimensions of this time-honored spiritual path. Books that touch on the “advanced” spiritual practices and experiences are fascinating, but they often leave readers feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about the details of the practices. This book avoids that pitfall.

Path of Fire and Light presents an array of refined techniques of pranayama and meditation that are rarely described accurately. But advanced yoga is not simply a matter of technique. Above all, it is a matter of understanding the practices in the context of self-transformation and self-unfoldment. That is why each chapter in this extraordinary volume provides a philosophical context for the technique and practices it describes and offers strategies that can be adopted for removing the obstacles that arises along the way.

This book can be read over and over as you progress through the journey of self-discovery that is yoga. With each reading, new impressions are formed and new lessons learned. some who approach the path of fire and light will be dazzled and blinded and will turn their heads. others will be intrigued and inspired, and will slowly begin to tread this path and eventually make it their own.

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