Natural Beauty Care with Flowers and Plants


Author: B. Hlava & Z. Krejcova

Publisher: Magna Books

ISBN: 1854228242

Pages: 232 Paperback



To gain health and fitness until advanced age is the natural wish of every human being, as is desire to retain one’s youthful looks for as long as possible. Since the beginning of history people have learned how to use a wide variety of preparations intended to beautify one’s beauty, and many of them have their origin in plant world. Since ancient times plant have been the versatile helpers of human being, who directly depend on them for their existence. The beauty and fragrance of plants have made an important contributions to human culture, and people have always used them in symbolic ritual as well as simply for personal adornments.

Since the plant used for cosmetic purposes are also often used medicinally,the concepts of beauty and health have been inseparably connected. And, of course, no one can look good unless they have good health. Many herbal beauty aids can be taken internally to improve general health which will benefit the appearance.

The curative properties of herbs have been discovered gradually over many centuries and the knowledge accumulated was passed on by oral traditions or in herbals. Plants or parts of them have always been used in medicinal preparations designed for the treatment of simple ailments and also quite frequently of serious diseases, and even today these natural drugs are used, both in their natural forms and processed in various ways by modern chemical techniques.

since plants contain active chemicals, however, it is important to realize that while remedies and cosmetics from plants have power to cure an help, they can also, if used inappropriately can cause harm. This is why they should be used with care, they are not a panacea by which everything can be cured and healed.


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