Inspiring Stories


Author: Swami Sivananda

Publisher: Divine Life Society

ISBN: 8170520304

Pages: 269 paperback


The poems, short quotations, and other matter forming contents are culled from the inspiring works of various gifted writers of genius both of the West and the East. We have taken the liberty of drawing certain items from the works of world-renowned authors and ask for their gracious forgiveness for having included their inspiring thoughts and words in this little Free Gift booklet in the cause of guiding and inspiring the youth of the present-day world through these sublime and elevating noble good thoughts. This booklet is brought as a love-offering to be given away freely to spread good ideas among the youth of today.

Some of these pieces included seem to be Anonymous and the authors of some others are not known. Some are from the famous and greatly beloved and admired national poetess of America Helen Steiner Rice. Some others may be from Amada Bradley. The poem “IF” is from Rudyard Kipling, the British author.

We acknowledge our deep debt of gratitude to all sources and seek their loving permission for their inclusion. May God bless them all.

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Weight 0.204 kg


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