Health, Healing, and beyond


Author: T.K.V Desikachar & R.H Cravens

Publisher: North Point Press

ISBN: 9780865477520

Pages: 211 Paperback


This affectionate, lively, greatly beloved classic recounts the life and work of the man most responsible for preserving and modernizing a 5000-year-old body of wisdom that today benefits millions around the world. Health, Healing, and Beyond traces the near-mythic labors of scholarship that equipped Tirumalai Krishnamacharya with an unparalleled mastery of India’s ancient traditions. It lead us through his years of discipleship to a legendary teacher in Tibet, his service to the Maharaja of Mysore in the last years of British colonial rule, and, following India’s independence, his effort to adapt- even revolutionize – Yogic practice for modern life. In its pages we watch Krishnamacharya’s thinking evolve over a lifetime- sweeping aside prohibitions against certain practices for women, innovating therapeutic treatments for a wide range of physical and mental disabilities, searching for ways to make yoga available to each individual regardless of age, sex, race, culture, station in life, and belief or non-belief. Written by Krishnamacharya’s son in collaboration with R.H Cravens, it is an indispensable guide to philosophy, principles, and limitless possibilities of yoga.

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