Hatha Yoga


Author: Swami Sivananda

Publisher: Divine Life Society

ISBN: 8170521920

Pages: 158 paperback



Among all the systems of physical exercises, Hatha Yoga practiced and prescribed by the ancient Rishis and sages stands unrivaled and unique. It is the most perfect system. Brain, muscles, nerves, organs, tissues are toned and energized. All chronic diseases are rooted out. It deals with Shat Karmas, Asanas, Pranayamas, Mudras, Bandhas, and exercises on concentration and meditation.

Asanas pertain to the physical body. They render the body firm and steady and eradicate physical ailments. Bandhas pertain to the Prana. They bind and unite the Prana and the Apana and send the united Prana-Apana along the Sushumna Nadi. Mudras concern the mind. They represent seals. They seal the mind with the soul or the Atman. They do not allow the mind to wander outside towards objects. They direct the externalizing mind towards the Atman in the chambers of the heart and fix it there. A combination of all these exercises is needed to have the maximum results.

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