Happiness is Your Creation


Author: Swami Rama

Publisher: Himalayan Institute Press

ISBN: 9780893892463

Pages: 115 paperback

Categories: , ,


When Swami Rama lay on his deathbed, he spoke the following words to the author of this book: “You are a creation of God, but happiness is your creation. You are equipped with everything you need to live a happy life. Your only job is to discover the source of happiness within and infuse your surroundings with that inner happiness.” on the pages within, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Ph.D., delves deeper into his insight and other lessons he learned from his master.

How do you start down the path to happiness? In happiness Is Your Creation, the tools needed to accomplish this feat are outlined in clear, understandable language. You will learn that the mind is the source of all misery and happiness. It provides both bondage and liberation. But before you can free your mind, you must master your body Tigunait offers a wealth of brilliant insights on how mind and body work together and what you can do to ensure that the two aspects support and nurture each other.


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