Fearless Living: Yoga and Faith


Author: Swami Rama

Publisher: Himalayan Institute Press

ISBN: 9780893892517

Pages: 137 Paperback


For so many of us today, trusting in higher power isn’t easy. We read about miracles that happened many years ago, but today most of the miracles we hear about are produced by science: Miraculous new cures, new technologies, and new breakthroughs. And scientists seems united in insisting there is no higher power, no ultimate meaning in life, but the random reshuffling of DNA and atoms.

This book, a collection of anecdotes from the astonishing life of the late Swami Rama, helps us understand that there is a way to move beyond mere faith and into the realm of personal revelation. Through the spiritual practice of meditation and yoga, we can aspire to enter the world of spirit ourselves.

But what can the stories of sages and saints contained within these pages really do for readers like us- men and women struggling to live our busy 21st century lives? the answer is simple. They can show us what is possible when we find the courage to embark on our own inner quest. real knowledge is found not in knowing, but rather in being.


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