By his Grace: A Devotee’s Story


Author:  Dada Mukherjee & Neem Karoli baba

Publisher: Hanuman Foundation

Pages: 185 Paperback


Dada ( Sudheer Mukerjee) is recognized as one of the devotees who has been closest to Maharaji. Their relationship has been so intimate for so long that we treasure dada’s stories about his “Baba” as especially precious. He is our elder brother in Maharajji’s spiritual family.

Dada has become so much an instrument of Maharaji that there was no space between the order and its execution. such a level of surrender was hard to comprehend. It was not as if Dada was separate being serving Maharajji- He was the service himself.

We always want just one more story from Dada. For his faith never ickers. The purity, the power, and the obvious truth of his stories resonate deep within us, opening our hearts once again to our own innocence, reawakening in us our own perfect faith.



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